
This project aims to provoke, engender and sustain exchange and collaboration among practitioners with diverse identities, to develop remixed forms of performance, activism and scholarship.

Remixed forms build on the potentials inherent in divergences and convergences within the diasporas of the UK, to stimulate collective learning and innovation in diverse spaces: (sub)urban and rural.

Focus will be on activities that defy recent authoritarian moves to stigmatize people and build walls on the basis of cultural differences of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and religion. Avenues of performance, activism and scholarship being considered include food journeys and regenerative practice in socio-ecological spaces.

  • 2017
  • Intentional Projects
Photo: Remix

معلومات المشروع

  • English
  • 12 St Johns Terrace, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2DL, United Kingdom