
In the Beira Interior center region of Portugal – an area with much value from its geological heritage and closely connected with biodiversity and the local communities – the high level of environmental degradation is evident: abandoned tungsten mines and plans for new lithium ones; a disconnected society and departing youth; pines and eucalyptus monocultures; extreme forest fires; and deserted villages.

Starting from an urgent environmental pressure, EcoAtivo embraces all the dimensions of society, interacting with local, rural, and urban residents – especially youths and young adults.
EcoAtivo proposes a lifelong regenerative lifestyle programme focused on:

1. Regenerative Lifestyle training, including:
* Critical Thinking for abandoned and new mines and mineralized commodities
* Circular economy and the power of local currencies
* Theatre, cinema, and music for environmental advocacy.

2. Socio-environmental pilot actions, including:
* Holistic bat conservation in old mines and abandoned ruins
* Non-violent guerrilla gardening; seed bombs & hardwood cuttings combat

3. Networking between regenerative web-of-life projects, including:
* Conscious networks for exchanges of good practices and mutual support
* Co-creating a new narrative and collective awareness with cooperative actions.

  • 2021
  • Intentional Projects
Photo: EcoAtivo

Project information