In 2014 SWAYYAM began work on 5 acres of overgrazed, eroded and barren land outside the village of Yelachatti (India). SWAYYAM uses Permaculture and Natural Farming principles to build self sufficiency in communities by focusing on planting local and drought tolerant trees; reviving local and traditional polyculture farming systems that can nurture the soil, people and the ecosystem; saving and sharing of seeds; use & sharing of medicinal plants; reviving local water bodies; soil and water conservation; building with local materials using local skills and labour; use of alternate energy sources like solar and wind etc.

In just three years, what was bare sub-soil has become a bio-diverse hub of fruit, timber, fodder and fibre trees, grasses, insects, butterflies, birds, reptiles and other wildlife. The focus now is on growing native and traditional crops specific to the area that are drought tolerant and can ensure multiple and extended yields, nutrition, health and food security.

  • 2018
  • Young Projects

Informação sobre o projeto