Farm Okukuna

Farm Okukuna was established by the City of Windhoek and the World Future Council to improve food and nutrition security in Namibia’s capital.

The City has provided three hectares of land in the informal settlements and hired a care taker. The local Eloolo Permaculture Initiative has designed the site and now runs a weekly Permaculture course.

Farm Okukuna was founded on the belief that all Namibians can take part in shaping their environment to become more abundant and resilient in the face of great environmental and economic challenges. It seeks to develop urban Permaculture farming methods that are adapted to the challenging Windhoek climate.

It also aims to inspire, inform and collect knowledge for shack dwellers on how to grow food around their homes in informal settlements. Rainwater harvesting, grey water systems, compost toilets and food and nutrition training, as well as the development of micro-enterprises and marketing support, are part of the project.

In time, Farm Okukuna hopes to become a nationally recognised local centre for programmes connected to food and nutrition security.

  • 2019
  • Young Projects
Photo: Farm Okukuna

Project information

  • English
  • Goreangab Windhoek,
    Khomas na Namibia