Support Humanity Cameroon

Support Humanity Cameroon (SUHUCAM) is a grassroots development and environmental organization, with the objective to build inclusive, self-sufficient and sustainable communities and a world where people live happily in harmony with one another and with nature.

SUHUCAM is an accredited organization with the three Rio conventions and the United Nations Environment Program where they represent voices of communities on the frontline of Climate change.

Its key areas of intervention include ecosystem restoration, regenerative agriculture, climate change adaptation, livelihood support as well as water and sanitation. Its work focuses on women and youths in hard-to-reach communities in Cameroon.

In 2019, SUHUCAM launched Bamunkumbit Integrated Community Forest (BICFOR), a transformative initiative to restore 151 hectares of degraded land while enhancing the livelihoods of local and indigenous communities.

Since the launch of the project, several activities have been implemented to strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacities of local communities. Specifically:

  • Over 50 hectares of degraded land has been restored.
  • Over 150 women and youths from indigenous Mbororo and local communities adjacent to the forest have been provided with alternative livelihoods, through apiculture and regenerative agriculture.
  • Over 500 smallholder farmers engaged in agroforestry practices.
  • Four community-based restoration groups established with an active membership of 120 persons
  • Four watersheds restored and conserved to harness the natural water supplying the reservoir, ensuring potable water supply to over 4,000 people.
  • Collaboration between pastoralists and smallholder farmers (key landscape actors) have been enhanced, creating an enabling environment for sustainable growth for everyone.
  • 2025
  • Established Projects
Photo: Support Humanity Cameroon

Project information