Ubuntu Learning Hub Trust

Ubuntu Learning Hub Trust was set up in 2022 with a mission to support people who are in transition towards more resilient futures and a healthier planet.

The Trust immediately began to set up the Ubuntu Learning Centre as an open learning space for all ages as well as a demonstration centre for integrating technologies that are in tune with a healthy Mother Earth.

The learning centre sits on a 2-hectare site in Chikancila village in Chongwe district of Lusaka Province of Zambia. It is founded on the African philosophy of Ubuntu which helps people to learn what it means to be truly human. It hosts people from all walks of life who are looking for pathways to escape the rat race and curve more sustainable futures for themselves, their families and the communities where they come from.

The Trust uses agro-ecological practices to regenerate the degraded farmland that was damaged over decades of poor land husbandry. For example, the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) technique has helped to restore much of the indigenous vegetation on the land.

People come to Ubuntu to explore the meaning of life and to find their life purpose. They stay at Ubuntu for varying lengths of time and in the process they are engaged in intercultural exchanges as well as learning how to take care of themselves and of Mother Earth. The Trust offers life changing experiences rather than certificates and the opportunity to carve out an earth-centred worldview for themselves.

  • 2025
  • Intentional Projects
Photo: Ubuntu Learning Hub Trust

Project information