Regen X sees the fastest and most effective way to halt and even reverse the planetary crisis as conservation and re-creation of wilderness through deep and local, ecological knowledge. They aim to build eco-systemic resilience through sustainable and regenerative communitarian economies on lands that are under the threat of concretization.
Regen X’s response is a framework centred on eco-architecture, service community-cooperatives, and ecosystem regeneration as an alternative and viable form of real estate development for privately owned lands within fragile ecosystems worldwide.
In their proposed model they prioritise leaving 40-60% of the land wild through alliances with Indigenous communities and ecological experts. In the remainder they will create human habitat combining vernacular architecture, nature-based infrastructure and technology to support self-sufficiency.
These living systems shall be owned collectively by local communities who have lived in the area for generations, and by outsiders that might join through complete and informed community consent. This stewardship-based model not only protects ecology: it rebuilds a sense of trust and ownership amongst traditional custodians.