Rawa Fund


Rawa works to advocate for and strengthen an emancipatory, resilient Palestinian grassroots social ecosystem capable of resisting the Israeli colonial regime, strengthening the social fabric, and demonstrating the potential of creative community-led change.

Envisioning a liberated, self-determined, just, and participatory Palestinian society, Rawa sees intersectional grassroots communities as the key anchors for people to access power, share resources, and uphold collective well-being and abundance.

Rawa’s pilot participatory grantmaking and holistic support model launched in 2018. Over 60 grants have been awarded to grassroots community-based initiatives (mostly unregistered) across the West Bank, Jerusalem, ’48 areas, and Gaza, including:

  • Community-supported agriculture and cooperatives
  • Women-led social enterprises
  • Grassroots first aid training
  • Recycling and creative reuse
  • Mobile political theatre groups
  • Disability organising in refugee camps
  • Youth political organising
  • And many more
  • 2023
  • Influence Award

Project information