YAKUM works to regenerate indigenous forest and build food sovereignty, through reforestation of degraded land with carefully selected native tree species which provide a high diversity and volume of highly nutritious food for the communities.

They work closely in the field with indigenous youth and women´s groups, to collect seeds and plant trees of important species in Cofan, Siekopai, Shuar and Kichwa territories.

YAKUM has an experienced, committed, knowledgeable and dynamic core staff who live and breathe the work. They beat many other reforestation projects through biodiversity – over 150 different tree species, selected to revitalise indigenous knowledge, nutrition, health and livelihoods.

Amazonian fruits and nuts, like Ungurahua, Morete and Wachanzo, are critically important to improve indigenous nutrition and restore food sovereignty. YAKUM also plants endangered and scarce trees over-harvested either for fine timbers, like mahogany, or for traditional medicines made from their bark or roots. With women´s groups they are also planting trees that produce seeds and fibres, used to make handicraft goods for local use and sale.

YAKUM´s work is co-planned with the communities, and is based around respect, commitment, trust and a mutual passion for plant diversity.


  • 2021
  • Young Projects
Photo: YAKUM

Project information

  • Spanish
  • https://yakum.org/
  • (+593)-96-810-6877
  • Three Amazonian communities: Cofan Dureno, Cofan Sinangoe, Siekoya Remolino-Sewaya Amazon Rainforest Sucumbios Province TW9 4ET Ecuador