

PermaQueer focusses on community resilience in alignment with environmental resilience. Established in March 2020 as Covid hit Naarm, Australia, founders Toad and Guy realised the resilience in their Permaculture transition home and noticed Lgbtqia & Bipoc friends in contemporary living arrangements suffering. They realised the power of being embedded in food networks, and systems based in community bartering and economy and social welfare.

PermaQueer started online introductions to Permaculture for friends, which spread amongst the queer community like wildfire. They offer free and pay-as-you-feel courses teaching ecological foundations, permaculture, social justice, decolonisation, trauma & neurodivergent informed systems based on building community resilience globally. Additionally, they held a 3 day TEDx symposium.

Their community education unpacks systems of consumerism, white supremacy and colonial binaries to restructure communal systems of resilience. They are collaborating on a decolonising and re-indigenizing cell for the global permaculture movement with @LiberationPermaculture. PermaQueer are currently working with international partners to develop fair and resilient ecologically-informed ways of relating. They hope to manifest these systems into co-housing villages, food systems, cultural capacity training and regenerative restoration programs.

  • 2021
  • Intentional Projects

Project information