The Lucy Foundation

The Lucy Foundation uses coffee to create awareness around inclusion, accessibility and diversity.

In 2016, it established Pluma Coffee Project, in an isolated coffee-farming village in Mexico with the aim of transforming the global coffee industry. It sought to develop a regenerative value chain of coffee (good for the environment, the local community and economy, and also inclusive of people with disabilities).

It works with indigenous coffee-farming families, all affected by disability, to help increase the quality and quantity of their coffee. It also helps disabled family members to become trained and employed within the local coffee industry. 

This work is driven by a belief that equitable opportunities for people with disabilities and other diverse life experiences, together with meaningful interactions between community members (regardless of identity), are hugely beneficial to community health, wellbeing and resilience.

Alongside organic agricultural workshops, The Lucy Foundation has developed a local barista training program (delivered in sign language); has launched the first commercial batch of Pluma coffee and cascara (coffee tea) in New Zealand; and has created alliances with an exporter/importer, a roaster, a coffee training provider and cafes who strive to employ regenerative practices and who actively train and employ disabled people.

  • 2019
  • Young Projects
Photo: The Lucy Foundation

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