Cultivate: Traditional practical skills for women of the future

As three women working in the woodland industry, Cultivate observe the under-representation of women in this sector. Its work is gratifying and ecologically sound; contributing to the regeneration of woodlands, and reducing the ‘need’ for cheap imports. Cultivate finds that this work constantly reminds us of our place in the fragile ecosystem.

Cultivate is keen to get young women out into the woods to develop their own relationship with the natural world through practical activities. Through these activities, they may be motivated into lifework which supports environmental regeneration, and challenges gender roles and wealth accumulation as indicators of success.

Over time, it hopes to acquire a woodland base, practicing agro-ecology, where young women can develop skills to become mentors to the next generation.

  • 2018
  • Intentional Projects
Photo: Cultivate: Traditional practical skills for women of the future

Información sobre el proyecto