Sociedade Histórica e Cultural Coluna Sanfins

Sociedade Histórica e Cultural Coluna Sanfns was established in 2015 by commoners of the Froxán Common Woodlands Community as a tool to defend and engage local people and civil society with destructive mining, particularly the « San Finx » mine.

The « Sociedade », in partnership with groups such as Verdegaia, ContraMINAcción and Yes to Life No to Mining, temporarily brought mining operations to a standstill, by exercising social, administrative and legal pressure.

To ensure long-term protection, the Froxán Commons and the « Sociedade » worked together to gain recognition by the UN Environment programme as the first « Indigenous and Community Conserved Area » in Spain. It also set up the « Montescola » programme for twinning common land communities with urban schools to restore woodlands threatened by degradation and extractivism.

  • 2018
  • Young Projects
Photo: Sociedade Histórica e Cultural Coluna Sanfins

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