Tahtacıörencik Ecological Living Collective (TADYA) is a grassroots group working in Güdül, Ankara, Turkey. It practices and promotes agroecology and aims to foster ecological rural development through supporting sustainable rural livelihoods.

In April 2013 the Temürcü family moved to Tahtacıörencik village to help the TADYA collective with other villagers. Since then, the collective has encouraged local farmers/producers to be part of the DBB Participatory Guarantee System, securing them income while directing them to more nature-friendly and healthy production methods. The group is also developing an agroecology training center and a permaculture demonstration site, and supports villagers in organizing eco-tours from the city to the village; helping to build solidarity between rural and urban populations.

  • 2018
  • Young Projects
Photo: TADYA

Informations sur les projets