The Prizes

The Lush Spring Prize 2025

For 2025, there are 9 prizes in 3 different prize categories: from the Intentional stage, through to Young and Established organisations.

The Prize is now open to applications until 27th September 2024 10:00 BST. We accept applications from anywhere in the world.

There are also three other awards which do not have application forms. To be considered for these awards, apply to one of the main categories (Intentional Award, Young Award, Established Award) and complete the question on “Would you like your application to also be considered for an Influence Award or one of the following 2025 collaborative prizes..”

No additional application is required.

Our diverse panel of judges are from a wide spectrum of movements representing regenerative design, permaculture, food sovereignty, transition, biomimicry and eco-village networks.


Full eligibility guidelines

  • We accept applications from anywhere in the world.
  • The deadline for applications is 27th September 2024 10:00 BST.
  • Lush, the company funding the Spring Prize, is a vegetarian company. As such, money awarded will not be channelled towards the direct slaughter or ill-treatment of animals.
  • We will not fund organisations or projects involved in animal testing.
  • We will not fund organisations or projects involved in destructive environmental and social practices.
  • Although organisations farming animals will not be excluded, priority will be given to organisations which encourage alternatives to animal consumption.
  • Any project which does not quite fit these eligibility guidelines is welcome to apply if they feel they can provide a strong argument for why we should consider them.
  • Organisations may only submit an application to one category.
  • No organisation will receive a prize two years in a row.
  • Prizes are for ongoing work (not as a reward for past work).
  • If offered a prize, recipients must:
    1. attend the awards ceremony, unless there are exceptional circumstances (all expenses will be paid).
    2. prepare information on the winning project for the awards event.
    3. fill in an evaluation form 10 months from the award being given.
    4. support the PR and outreach activity for the prize.
  • Ethical Consumer Research Association (a partner in the LUSH Spring Prize) will conduct due diligence research on nominated individuals and organisations prior to recommending initiatives for awards. It would be helpful if applicants flag up any potential concerns in advance.
  • Other unanticipated ethical concerns will be considered on a case by case basis.