Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL)

SPNL is one of the oldest environmental NGO in Lebanon. SPNL was established around two issues: to promote the concept of protected areas, and to manage the hunting situation in Lebanon. SPNL has a long experience in research, education, advocacy, networking and community development.

Its mission revolves around the protection of nature, birds and biodiversity, and SPNL has succeeded in solving the problem of illegal killing of birds and wildlife, especially when it came to law enforcement around hunting. SPNL also works on the promotion of sustainable use of natural resources, through the Hima approach.

SPNL’s history is full of innovative solutions to difficult problems, such as promotion of the concept of protected areas during the civil war, and environmental awareness when it was not a priority; as well as the revival of the Hima approach, and empowering youth and women within patriarchal society.

Its Hima Farm Programme includes organic agriculture, permaculture, sustainable use of resources and no hunting. It raises the capacity of locals, provides jobs for locals and refugees, and conserves native plants & herbs.

  • 2019
  • Influence Award
Photo: Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL)

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