Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs

Award Recipient

Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs (MSPC) trains teachers in northern Malawi to run after-school student permaculture clubs. Through the clubs, students learn permaculture concepts and skills and apply them directly on their school grounds & create polyculture garden patches to grow indigenous foodcrops.

Now in their 6th year, MSPC has expanded to work with 22 schools, reached over 2,000 participants and trained 120 teachers. They have developed session packs and training for teachers, and provided basic inputs like tools and seeds to get schools started, whilst increasing the input of community members in the project.

They are now preparing to launch a partner programme, to support NGOs in other regions to establish permaculture clubs and teacher support networks. They are also a pilot project for the Permaculture Evaluation Toolkit (PET), helping to test-run a model for assessment of impact for grassroots permaculture programmes, to increase the rigour of their impact analysis and accessible tools in the wider permaculture movement.

  • Community, Landscapes, Networks
  • 2021
  • Youth In Permaculture Award
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