Permaculture in Ukraine (PIU)

Permaculture in Ukraine (PIU) was established in 2012 after the first Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in Ukraine. It is an NGO. Since then it has been organising PDCs every year and is currently the only organisation promoting sustainable agriculture in Ukraine.

Over the years PIU has:

  • Run courses to share knowledge and skills
  • Held conferences and permaculture gatherings to exchange experiences, motivate members and accumulate scientific data
  • Translated and published books to share world best knowledge

In 2017 it established a network of permaculture centres that now comprises of 16 demonstration sites across Ukraine. Each centre practises permaculture, organises courses and other events and hosts volunteers.

When the war in Ukraine began, Permaculture in Ukraine partnered with the ecovillage community GEN Ukraine to start a new initiative: Green Road of Ecovillages.

The initiative mobilised the existing network of ecovillages and permaculture centres to host internally displaced people. More than 3000 people passed through around 60 locations. 450 internally displaced peoples will stay here during the winter of 2022-23. As part of this project, PIU is seeking to support food security through a range of approaches, from providing small scale agriculture equipment to education.

  • Community, Food, Networks
  • 2023
  • Established Projects
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Photo: Permaculture in Ukraine (PIU)

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