Sítio Semente

Sítio Semente works with syntropic and medicinal agroforestry systems to regenerate degraded areas and to promote the health and resilience of ecosystems and communities.

It is located in Brasília, within the Cerrado biome, the second-largest biome in Brazil and one of the most threatened in the world. About 50% of its vegetation has already been deforested, mainly for agricultural expansion. The Cerrado faces serious risks of losing its endemic biodiversity and water resources, as it is home to the headwaters of the main river basins in South America.

Its main objective is to transform human impact on the planet by developing agroforestry practices that promote harmonious coexistence between people and nature. It shares knowledge through courses, visits, hands-on experiences, and consultancy services.

It began in 2005 with the aim of regenerating degraded areas through syntropic agroforestry systems, producing food, and achieving economic self-sufficiency. In the 19 years since, Sítio Semente has:

  • Trained more than 21,370 students, both in Brazil and abroad.
  • Regenerated over 47 hectares of agroforests and planted over 2 million trees.
  • Produced well over 5,000 tons of diverse foods – enough to feed over 26,000 families annually.
  • Sequestered 456,000 metric tons of CO2, contributing to climate mitigation.
  • Developed technologies for distilling essential oils, having grown over 220 medicinal plants, mostly native to Latin America.
  • Become globally recognised as a reference in syntropic agriculture and influenced national policy.
  • Community, Ecosystems, Food
  • 2025
  • Established Projects
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Photo: Sítio Semente

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