Be The Earth Foundation, The Savitri Trust and Permaculture Magazine have partnered with the 2025 Lush Spring Prize to add two collaborative prizes: The Indigenous Knowledge & Wisdom Award and the Permaculture Magazine Award.
The Indigenous Knowledge & Wisdom Award and the Permaculture Magazine Award are separately funded and have their own judging panel. For each award prize recipients share a prize fund of at least £20,000.
Run in partnership with Be The Earth Foundation and The Savitri Trust
This award seeks to recognise and celebrate indigenous peoples’ knowledge and wisdom. In a world shaped by (historic and current) oppressive colonial and patriarchal structures, this award honors the necessity and relevance of traditional and ecological knowledge, as well as ancestral and indigenous nature-based practices.
Prize recipients share an amount of £20,000, provided by Be The Earth Foundation and the Savitri Trust.
Run in partnership with Permaculture Magazine
The Permaculture Magazine Award is for individuals, communities, businesses, groups and organisations that can demonstrate inspirational permaculture work over three years or more.
It is looking for locally-led permaculture projects that are regenerating damaged land; enhancing habitat and biodiversity; helping people to gain practical and community skills; adding value to produce and developing local economies; building community, creating social glue and greater economic resilience; modelling new ways of cooperating and new cultural paradigms.
Prize recipients share a prize fund of £25,000, provided by Permaculture Magazine.