Established Award

For groups or organisations that demonstrate successful and inspirational work over more than 5 years.

This prize is for established community groups, organisations, networks and businesses that can demonstrate successful and inspirational work over more than 5 years. We hope for prize money to spread the word of their work to inspire more people to get involved with the regenerative movement.

There are at least two prizes in this category, with each being awarded up to £25,000. We aim to award one prize to a small scale project in this category.


How to enter

Complete the online entry form below – you can save the form at any time and complete it later.

The deadline for applications is 27th September 2024 10:00 BST.

We will contact all applicants after the shortlisting phase in November 2024.

In filling out this form please take the time to reflect and discuss answers with your team and beneficiaries. Please read the eligibility and background information before filling in this form and make sure you answer all questions. Please stick to charachter and word counts.

The application form is available in six languages (English, Arabic, French, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish), please use the most suitable language for you, and we will attempt to support you in that language throughout the application and prize process.


Guidance on applying for Lush Spring Prize 2025



We want this application process to be useful for you and the wider regeneration movement. We will therefore analyse application answers to better understand best practice, common issues and key training needs.

Contact details (other than websites and social media pages) will remain confidential unless we contact you for further permissions which you agree to. You can see the full privacy policy here.


Entry Form

Answer all questions marked with an *asterisk.